Friday, October 14, 2011

[Ce] Whats that falling from the sky?

 Sigh, i think I'm starting to get air plane phobia.

Twenty-eight people were killed and four people survived a plane crash in stormy weather in Papua New Guinea's remote forests, according to officials.
Maybe this is why they delay plane flights but, are airplanes now limited to only weathers that are good?. Well then wouldn't half the days in the year be unavailable to flights?. Was it just stormy weather or was it a malfunction or faulty driving. Now not to ponder about the past but to move to the future as whats done is done. Or whats happened has happened. I very much admire those that went immediately to aide those inside the plane as without those aiding the measly amount of survivors [4] Would maybe be a 1 or 2.  Really though because of harsh winds and rains an airplane crashed  I mean the people inside where probably sleeping or resting or maybe watching some movies on that plane then BOOM it starts tumbling down. Maybe if the airplane wasn't a small private one somethings might have changed. I question why that happened, many people losing their lives in vain. Of no good reason. And due to further investigation it appears that the other types of airplanes that where of the same model has been grounded. Meaning the only reason that they crashed would have been because that the airplane was faulty as the last line of that link or news report says the designated pilot had 45 years of flying experience. A crash like that doesn't just happen when theres a storm. IF it did i don't think id ever ride a plane again. And til this day i bet those people that died didn't even know what hit them. Lesson to be made don't ride unsafe brands of plane.

[re] Finally

Nice one Kristy:
Yes, I do think it is a good idea, but I don’t think it will last very long. I mean, just think about it. The fast food restaurants are so convenient.
I also agree with you that it is a good idea and also that it wont last long. But people should at least have the self restraint to not go eating the fat stuff. What i believe is that if they don't lie to themselves about eating it and that its good for themselves or that its cheap or. What ever. That they wont be over weight. I don't exactly know why people would even eat till their that fat but some people do. And some people eat to get rid of depression but just a piece of advice. Would you not be more depressed seeing a load of fat in the mirror every morning. Well that's a little mean but you guys understand the idea. Not all people are fat even if their over weight. So maybe i should rephrase that... O wells. And also i don't think that it will last long either. But if it goes on even for just 3 months it might teach people some self restraint. Also it obviously only impacts those people with out much money as tax on foods wouldn't really affect those associated with a lot of money. And also, thanks for pointing out that fast food restaurants are so convenient not that i think its worth it though. Sometimes its just a bunch of lies. After taking chemistry and learning some of the stuff they put in their foods and oils. To manufacture flavors it makes me feel that I'm taking bites of lies as the things your eating aren't always what you expect. Choose wisely on what you eat because the saying " you are what you eat" is totally true. Thanks. 

[Free] Obstacles 2

 So last week with the Internet thingy.. Well it got cleared up or at least i know why now. Its basically glitched and after asking my friend I found out that it wasn't just me. My friend had some disconnection issues also. It might just be a faulty wireless gear. But yes the Internet is back to being "OK" and my complaints aren't really complaints anymore. On the other hand as of now I'm still obstructed by procrastination. If i didn't remember just now I'm pretty sure id have 3 late assignments or 3 assignments undone. So yes trying to hurry up and finish this right now. And since I'm talking about obstacles i should talk about history, and our sophomore research paper. Originally i thought it would easy with Japan and 3 issues from Japan as my topic but apparently there aren't too many major problems in Japan and now Ive gotta find some links or sites for some good topics or facts. As of now research papers aren't exactly my best friends. Any how as all walls are made there are key wholes to sneak past, and in this case ill just blow a whole up for myself to walk through and hope that nothing stands deadly on the other side. Any how Ive got 2 more post to do for English it isn't exactly gonna be hard but hope i finish in time. um, Yup haven't got a topic yet but I'm sure ill think of one  for my response and one for my current event. At least there isn't gonna be a biweekly column next week and good thing its Friday. After a long week finally, some time to rest.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[BW COL]Living with Heart

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

-Steve Jobs
   I most certainly think that his quote is correct. Though some parts of his speech i might disagree. Many of it i do agree. I believe as Jobs did that we should follow our hearts cause someday we will die and while facing that event. Well you shouldn't be doing something your heart tells you not to do in the first place. But really when facing death your heart is whats most valuable, like having a final wish to complete, your heart tells you to do that and what not. In reality though not all things can follow that reasoning as not all things you have the capability to change. Some times i wake up and feel like **** but nothing can be changed about that. Things like those occur all the time and even sometimes when it happens repeatedly nothing can be changed cause nothing can be done about it. Here is where i disagree with Jobs when something is out of your power and you know that it should change the thing is many times even if you change something. Something else bad happens.
  If I where to follow this advice to follow my heart i think many things would change. For one I might not even been in school or be in California or even the U.S. right now i don't know what my dream is but. If i do follow this advice many things would be different. What would i learn following this advice? Many things, many things might be a vague answer but for one I'd probably learn to stop procrastinating also to stop being so lax on myself even if its better than being hard core, well at least sometimes it is. Secondly i think i would drop Spanish 3 but for the time being that isn't an option. Currently i feel that I'm watching the grade sink with not much i can do about to prevent it from doing so. Maybe, and if i follow my heart to get into a good college then i must also follow my of dislikes as 3 years of Spanish is recommended or 3 years of any language in that case. But i chose Spanish so i will stick with it to the end.
  Also and i just thought of this now, that I disagree with Jobs also on the fact that some people arent like him to change or maybe sometimes i feel its more like giving up on something half way through. In many cases i like to do something to the utmost brink of success before quitting on it or leaving or dropping it. I like doing things wholeheartedly except maybe for homework. And also this would be my advice in life,  do things wholeheartedly and follow what you think is right. Do them so that you wont regret it and if it turns out you do, then you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Of course that also applies to starting an action and not finishing it. Don't do it if your not aware of the consequences as if your not lucky it will bite you in the ass. Most importantly though do whats right, do what you think is right and think through anything before you do it. A clear mind is a good mind.

Friday, October 7, 2011

[ce] People in Thailand not happy.

Thai land hit by monsoooooon the flooding seen in that video has been going on for 2 months appearently. That flooding o boy. People of Thai land are probably used to it by not but damn I know i always refer to this but, Imagine if that was us being hit by that water. Since we don't exactly have very high elevations to escape to in Alameda. Well you get the point sometimes I feel that our lives suck but, compared to their situation and many others world wide. Its actually a lot better. I'm just getting worried at how many crisis have been happening recently monsoons, typhoons, many many other things. Very scary I think living in such a place with a pretty predictable weathering is rather nice. Too nice actually its been spoiling people I think. Just a few days ago when it was raining you could hear all the complaining. Yup we are totally spoiled with good weather we have nice afternoons with a big bright sun while other people have floods, and droughts. Exadurated heating from a raging sun. Many of other places don't get to have leasure like us. Pretty fortunate huh so I think we should think positive even if its raining we should stop complaining. And we should live life like no tomorrow cause who knows when disaster will come it can come at the middle of the night when your sleeping. and you wouldn't know u might not survive it. DON'T think i'm cursing you i'm just trying to be realistic and say anything could happen. 

[re] Japan getting destroyed

From Gendarme  
That’s another disaster in Japan again! How can so many attacks come into Japan, did they do something wrong? 
 I too believe that Japan doesn't deserve this even if they kill whales and don't moderate their nuclear power plants and pollute the water with the power plants blowing up. It was totally out of their control that so many things happened but is it Karma? Maybe mother nature dislikes Japan for killing off her whales. I'm not sure what the situation is but luckily not many people died? Yes luckily the manga and anime creator/ director/ writers didn't get injured cause a week with out them is a week with out a new exciting episode or chapter. Which would be sad. It would also be sad if one of their stories or shows ended due to anonymous reasons and didn't finish cause some of them really need a good ending that i don't think anyone else can write better besides themselves.
  But yes disaster seems to befall them more than any other place at the moment and its really unfortunate. Good thing for us though that it isn't happening to us but recently there has been some minor earth quakes. Nothing to worry about but, yeah i wouldn't want to be the person stuck in a typhoon or hit by big earthquakes and floods and storms and tsunamis. Hey where also at water level lets hope nothing happens too soon. Yup we wouldn't want to be that country that most people are pitying. Like over years Americas always been the country to help others especially programs and groups like Unicef and red cross. And since we can we help but if we couldn't... I wouldn't imagine there would be a knight in shining armor to rescue or save us.

[free]The obstacle.

   So... Not in the best mood right now actually pretty pissed off at my ****ty Internet service why? cause in almost every other site that requires a good connection, it disconnects. To put it simply right now.. A school computer is better than mine. Pretty bad huh. I'm actually struggling with even typing this quick paragraph trying to finish as fast as i can. How do i over come this obstacle? I tried calling com cast and yelling at them but apparently they didn't fix it. I hope this gets better or my long waited week end will be worse than a week at school. for example if I'm trying to watch something on YouTube it would freeze or stop loading every 5 seconds and when it 5 seconds of it not being frozen is buffering it loads SOOOO slow its unbelievable? At this point i regret switching from at&t actually it might just be my houses issue. But however the cause this never happened when i had at&t so. Mhm. Pretty disappointed right now.
  I feel kinda bad just talking about Com Cast though but seriously its like they have issues every time it rains. It isn't the first time this has happened and the last time took them around a week to fix which sucks. I like how this disproves their ads about being so fast and so good. The television shows under com cast aren't the best either i personally would prefer direct TV much more shows. Not telling you guys not to buy services from com cast I'm just saying WHY ME ? That this is happening. Why did my sister want to switch to com cast instead of at&t plus direct TV is a mystery i will never understand. I complain. like a little complainer. bye.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[Essay] Why Are WE Human

      One of the most commonly asked questions in the world of philosophy: why are we Human? What makes us Humans? There are many aspects that make humans human. But the main point I'd like to point out would be the power to change and evolve. Think back to the time you were little, where u didn't spend hours playing games What did u do? You cried for your parents for attention and care. Not knowing anything  but trusting everything. Your sole objective then was to stay alive the knowledge that humans are inputted with since the beginning of birth the input to survive. All humans and or species of humans are inputted with that knowledge but that input now differs as our goals differ through evolution.         
   Fossils have been discovered for the early "homos" around 1.6-2.2 million years ago. You could say they are a different species of humans. But since then they have made tools to use and discovered many things, and since then they continuing to evolve in their ability to think and comprehend. The shape of their body evolved from strong and bulk to a lean more intelligent form that relies on tools. But that isn't exactly a good thing seeing as how it changed us today. Relying on our technology lessened our physical exercise and lowering our ability to remember.
      What makes us human is our ability to grow and change, how technology advances, how other creatures as in animals and plants take decades to evolve the slightest bit when humans are able to comprehend the issues and change fairly quickly. How the human mind works or thinks I have no ability to tell you. But I know that we've changed from a creature who's purpose was solely to reproduce and survive to one who's now more fitted to personal pleasures. For example when there was no technology around, think Adam and Eve, they had no choice but to try surviving not having free time they had to find food, build shelter and and reproduce. But look at the luxury we have : television, computers, books, games. We have them all well not all but almost anything we need to keep entertained.
      Then also after humans discovered the necessity to luxury they begin to change. And by change not only them but their surroundings taking up resources and many many many different things. Since early times this has been shown through the discovery of using different animal hides to create expensive clothing to over killing a population and that is one evolution a human has made people with a simple persona amazed by the simplest things to a very deep and complex persona overdrawn by greed and jealousy, desire. For example how humans hunted down bison for pelts with out even eating the meat. And due to that they almost made the bison population go extinct. Also How in modern times speaking as our decade many of our grasslands and being cut down and changed into big fields of grass for cow grazing. Also turning many rain forest in to prairies not giving a care about the species of many different animals living there.
      But in also good ways can human change, the art that was created the technology that was discovered or invented none of them would have been here without change. I mean with out change we wouldn't be at where we are but sometimes the refusal of change could mean a lot of things like the down fall or the actual fall of a civilization the negativity towards change is not always good. For with out change there can be no moving forward. And with out evolution there is no change. Humans are ha fast paced species addicted to new things We as humans what it all even if we're tired of it we still want it all. New things old things the uninvented things. Humans seem to have the urge to make boring things un-boring because old things always seem out dated for us. And a fine example would be how only a few years ago we had mobile cell phones that were equivalent to talking blocks or walkie-talkies. 
      What makes us different from other species is that you don't see them evolving and expanding with our rate. If they did i believe we would be in some serious ****. As Instead of them in zoos it would be us but fortunately and gratefully Other species and animals aren't like us. Why do we expand with our speed I don't know but it must be that we've changed over time to adapt to our situation. As we or as science says where once just apes. As like cavemen and the other people before us. We learn to evolve at an incredible rate and other animals don't seem to care as I pointed out they don't have much time for that. They aren't intelligent enough for that but that doesn't mean they aren't intelligent as they are plenty smart. They just don't have the time or opposable thumbs.
      I also believe that what makes us humans can change in the future as other things that we output things that we cause take a more serious or dramatic turn. Maybe in many many years of time. Apes will be like us and we will be transformed to something with out much physical ability but with a giant brain. May that stay at minimal risk. But the change of humans is universal our crisis right now will have to depend on how things even out and how economical situations and other issues are solved. And yes things like change and evolution was the cause of our crisis. The nature to the human: To fight has lead us into wars and many great down falls. Down falls of many human civilizations before us the will to lead and the will to rule. 
       And now i conclude that without evolution humanity wouldn't exist. We shouldn't be humans we technically would have the body composition of a ape. We shouldn't have tools we'd be with out technology, not living in a heated home but in a jungle probably we would fight over domination like apes do. So without change we wouldn't be here whether its good or bad. But at least we're here so at the time being change makes this work and without evolution there would be no change leaving us with no humanity.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

[ce] The falling Stocks.

DAMN. The stock drops you can imagine whats happening to our economy.  Link : US stocks rebound slightly after brutal week 
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 38 points, or 0.4 per cent. The Dow fell 6.4 percent for the week, its biggest drop since October 2008. The S&P 500 index rose 0.6 per cent, to 1,136. The NASDAQ rose 1.1 per cent. 
 Not that i pay attention, read, or buy stocks but this is the economy we live in. Stocks world wide dropping. Any where from .4% to 6% that's a lot of points or what ever they call the term. But i think that's the amount of money,? That they have. 
So yea its good that their getting some back Not as much as their fall to rebound with but their still getting some back. Initially they aren't making but losing. I actually thought that America was the only one with the giant dept and economy drops that can be compared to a falling airplane. But as we see now they are regaining slight points raising their % a bit with their uhm, Value i think is the right word here. As one quote in the article says we are definitely in a world wide crisis with the dept due from Japan but not to saying anything bad but they really should have checked and fixed the Montanans of those power plants. The "Imbalances" in America, - I don't even know what that means. And Europe's sovereign dept. But yea, I like how Americans like helping others and all but we should really be worrying about ourselves, but they didn't see this coming when they donated money to world wide crisis. WE'RE IN ONE NOW. I'm not saying that we're in one because we donated and helped others but as I said we really should be worrying about ourselves. At least the stocks are getting a small raise.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC] The Darkness

   You haven't eaten for day. You dream about food and the sensation of hunger hits you in the face. You drool and the beads of saliva slide down the side of your mouth. Suddenly you wake up and feel the hunger like you do after a long 4 hour nap. Your legs feel wobbly and you feel like you will collapse with out food. The hunger digs through your body, slowly, but the more slow the more torturing. It feels like you are about to starve to death. You then finally notice that its all dark, but the only thing you have on your mind is fooood. You try to sniff it out, then remember that you left that sandwich in the kitchen, the sandwich makes you hungrier, you drool some more. In your mind the sandwich is worth more than gold, well only at the moment, its shining, telling you to eat it.
   You get up and start walking, crashing into multiple objects and scratching your arm and legs in multiple areas, as you make way towards the kitchen. The areas feel numb and warm with blood trickling down. It feels like torture, you trip on a telephone wire, and remembered that you tried reminding yourself to fix that. You run into the door and the knob jabs you in the stomach. You slide down the door as the pain socks you in the head
it was tantalizing you, it wasn't enough that you were just hungry it wanted you to suffer. Your head was throbbing sweat and blood mixed together stinging the areas of where you were scratched. Your head is gonging from the inside and you see multiple images of everything.
  You see four door knobs and as you reach for the first, you miss and notice that it was a hallucination, you try your luck with the rest of them and discover that the third one works. When you touch it the cool knob sends chills down your back, ceasing the stinging of the cuts and scratches. Oh, the joy you feel and you open the door the aroma of the sandwich BURSTS out the door the aura of savoriness glows even though its clear the aura glows! You the sniff the sandwiches location out and head towards it.
  Your now dragging your feet which are too heavy to be lifted up to walk. But by dragging your feet you cause the most heinous injury possibly to occur from this story. You drag your feet and trip on the leg of the chair, while doing so you stub your toe and your big toe's nail falls off. You swear in the dark BUT while you swear you're still falling the good thing and bad thing being you land your fall by hitting your head on the back of the chair causing you to bleed. The warm blood trickles down your sweat covered forehead and slides down your eyes then to the side of your nose and touches your dry and chapped lips. Your whole body is numb the only thing you feel is the heat going to your head as the blood leaks out. You use the chair to support your wait as you can no longer stand using your own strength you know the food is near as the smell is increasingly strong you let go of the chair and your hand reaches out at the same time you fall. You think that you can reach the sandwich but in reality you slide you hand at a knife a very sharp knife and it slices your hand. You feel the warmth in the blood and feel like your last efforts were ruined. You fall onto the cold floor as you fall the shake causes the sandwich to land on your face. Too bad you cant move your hands as you are completely depleted of energy. You thing to yourself right before you faint," I shouldn't have skipped dinner that night to watch the new episode of Glee"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[re] That's cool.

This is from Raymond's blog :  Is there something wrong with your eyes? 
 Did you know that human eye can distinguish 10 million colors? And did you know that when you are a kid your eyeballs grow? Your eyes are fully grown by the time you are 13, and once past that it will stop. Because that everyone’s eyes stop growing at the age of 13, all adults’ eyes are about the same size maybe just 1 or 2 millimeters different.
 Nice, to simply answer your questions No, No, and WOW. I had a jist of what was happening with my eyes not getting bigger if thats a good or bad thing cause i mean Asian sterio-type that we have small eyes THINK WHAT YOU WANT. Small eyes arent always bad for example if someone wants to poke it O_O bigger poking target. and ways Wow i wonder what you do in your free time to search something up like that. And wow i didnt even know there where 10 million colors in the world sure there are many different varieties of colors but DEEM 10 million. also i have to add that that 1 or 2 millimeters in difference can make some one blind or give them super eye sight. I want super eye sight not gonna happen though, well at least i have the privilege of not needing to wear glasses. And no wonder sometimes you want or try to find something and just cant find it. i wonder why the human brain does that. Well thats cool now i know why i like completely miss things when their right in front of my face. I also wonder that if you where in a moving object going around in circles for say could your brain think would kill time and make it be like its time distorted and WELL basically moving time ahead for about a few minutes or slowing it down for a few minutes? Well i wouldnt want to try that out cause well i get dizzy and stuff comes out my mouth that isnt.. exactly nice looking or sounding.

[Free] The race

     Uhm so Last sunday well 2 days ago, september 18 to be exact. I woke up at 6 to get ready for our race. Ate and started walking to our designated meeting spot outside the main building of our school. Since though I didnt have my phone I waited with nothing to do for 10 minutes unitl Brian got there. Then we waited till our "ride" that  got there at 7. I was waiting at 6:30. So I wasnt angry or anything though it was too early for that. So we got in the car and rode to treasure island in SF. Just to let you know, we didnt do all that well compared to the other teams we were actually pretty puny, But in the end we got to division C which is pretty awsome.
     Our first race got changed into a 300 meter instead of a 500 we werent sure if it was a good or bad thing, it was suppost to be good but in the end we still got 5th place our of 6 places. I wasnt discouraged yet since the day was still new so i encouraged myself saying: " wheeew good job not last". SO yup we waited for our next race around an hour later and then during the race where told  that if was changed back to 500 meters. We where like nooo but then we got third after all pretty good its cause we got a replacement person and we paddled like no tomorow. So yea we got our hopes up found out that we were in division C which is pretty good for us but we lost our final race. As in we got 6th. But yea we got over it pretty quickly. *we believe there was someone not trying, not gonna, say who but he definately dragged us down and shouldnt have been there*. The most important thing is that we had fun and spent time with our friends raced with all we had and ... most importantly had fun. O i already said have fun BUT its important so who cares if i say it twice.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[ce] Revenge?

Damn. Well I couldn't get a video this time cause its blocked but I still found this pretty interesting. Revenge brings very bad things apparently, I personally think its a little overboard though. So I just read more carefully and apparently the Taliban are rebels? and the people that were shot were apart of the Tribesman's family that got government support to resist the Talibans. This all isn't very clear to me but I think that the fault is to be put on the Taliban not only for the killing but also for being rebels. I don't think they thought very clearly or logically because obviously when your forcing someone to do something that's not good. And when your rebelling against government cant you do it in a more calmly fashion, like protesting with words or strikes? Well on the thing it says "Fighters" so I'm assuming they were doing some sort of attacking. I still think its going overboard attacking the family actually more than dealing with the tribesman them self. I wasn't put in the situation so I shouldn't have anything to say, but DAMN MESSED UP. That's a "girly" thing to do. Dealing with the "enemy's" family instead of the enemy instead.
"This was to teach them a lesson, and we will continue to carry out attacks wherever and whenever possible, no matter if it is a school or a school bus,'' Mohammad Afridi, a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the Dara
Adam Khel region, was quoted by AP as saying.
MESSED UP. NOT RIGHT. VERY NOT RIGHT. Man trust a really bad grooup of rebels with no integrety what so ever to think of something like that to say. Is he suppost to be scaring someone cause im scared already. STOP THE KILLING. And OVER.

[Free] Site Blocking

O so fun trying to do some homework at school. *type* *type* *type* *click* ACCESS DENIED. Isn't that fun? I dont see why the school blocks sites that arent hazardous. Unless I've been missing out all my life. Does anyone know the reason of these annoying blocks? Anyways well I tried this proxy server and appearently it doesnt work at all just a heads up to you guys I wouldnt try again or waste my time trying. Well there are still many other things to do. Mk, I think thats enough "ranting". So today I had lunch with some friends and it was pretty funny. While they crack jokes I laugh at how idiotic it is. SHH dont tell them! I'm serious. DONT. Anyways it was pretty funny I guess. One of them ended up and the the other few are like O YEAA I saw it but didnt want to say anything. I didnt think that part was funny he didnt end up going to retreave. If I was a friend I wouldnt have Not said anything, just to have a laugh. Are friends not suppost to help one another? Too bad I didnt see it. Well he said not a big deal in the end so I guess there isnt an issue there. O man forty more words. I feel thats its hard to think of something to write when I'm not under pressure. Cause we have soo much time and not much to do. And I'm Done.

[re] O so nice.

Any ways i just read your response post and all I have to say is, WOW. So funny.
From Kien's Blog: Walking to "Unknown Land" :
I remmeber I was the one to ask you to do some morning exercises with me too, and you actually came along. We found a "hidden" route at shoreline that leads to the other side of the island. I don't know about you but I have never actually been to Bayfarm anytime before our "adventure".
Sorry to get you confused my good friend but I was refering to something else. Even so though I did enjoy our morning walks or jogs. Just so say though, the " hidden route" was actually showed to me by Peter N. To make it clear now Peter, Christina, and I walked to bayfarm because we where bored one day. Well i guess it was semi planned. And also U have actually been on bayfarm when you walk over that bridge and touch the ground on that land you are thus, in Bayfarm. And seriously WE DOOO need to wake up early and excersize, but currently im pretty much sick of waking up early. Trust me school at 7 isnt the business. Its like forcing your brain to work, which makes the day seem so much longer. Now with the other agreements, homework is like an ass. And yea so nice, waiting for me so we can go do something fun. Sorry to foil your chances over summer but appearently cause i havent been back in china for around 6 years, my family and I just had to stay there a bit longer than the rest of the years. It probably was'nt good for my body being in china with all family ment eating out every day. Well most of the many days my family went out and we ate and ate. We ate till we felt sick and tired of eating. Due to that i feel so unfit now, But there's always gonna be summers and with summers come excersize and fun.

Friday, September 9, 2011

[re]Response to Brian : Agreed

This is from Brian's blog : Excitement
  I am also excited for the dragon boat race that is coming up next Sunday!It’s going to be my first race ever and I hope it goes well
Anyways I feel the same way. I'm actually really nervous but at the same time super excited. I wanna go there and give it my all. Then hopefully i wouldn't walk home with out bragging rights. When your mom asks you if you won or not it feels embarrassing to say no even if she is your mom. Well we will walk away as winners cause we tried our best been to almost all the practices. Thats how its suppost to feel right? Leaving winners even though you lose? NOT saying we will lose though. any ways ... I'm out of things to say what a fail on a response post. O wells gonna change this subject even though its a response post! Hows your basketball practice btw and whens your first game?O i wanna go watch. O right you were talking about the overload of homework, i guess i do also but u definately have more homework than me. Only because of Ap Euro though. O, and the leo club thing i was there too. *high five* And also YESH! break i totally agree with you a break is necessary. This school year seems so much tiring than the last. O i just noticed the part where you said basketball ends at 10, thats gotta be tiring after school and all that stuff also well if you have fun then i guess its worth it. WEW finished. Not quite if i dont count the words from the quote then i dont have enough words. BUT now officially Im done was fun more difficult than fun, but still fun.

[ce]A change of life

So, Well on this day of 9/11 i had planned not of talking about 9/11 since I thought it would bring memories to those that experienced, witnessed, or was effected by it. But while I was trying to find a video it came to me that they all had something to do with 9/11. This Actor that used to dress up as a toy soldier ended up with a career change after rescuing, and helping those in need at the site of rubble. First of all id like to say, man such integrity I might have thought about it and might have felt it but I doubt i would have jumped in and try to help. But if there was someone in there that I cared for I would probably dig till my hands bled and I don't think I would have cared. Now while i was watching this video i noticed that it has some dislikes. I douubt anyone who disliked it will read this but i personally dont think they should be hating. Those comments like "think about all those who died in Afghanistan and think about them and what not. I believe those who chose to fight knew that they might have not come back i dont want to be offending or rude but the people who died in that building had no choice. Its not like they knew before time that they were gonna die I mean heck why would anyone want to die. Unless your suicidal in which I hope your not.Now back to the video i think its really powerful that u see a man with the integrity to go and help trying to carry the burden of those who's job where to save. Now to change career paths from actor to firefighter it must have moved him much the feeling of helping and saving. Mabye if I was in something like that then my thoughts of helping would change my actions to that of a hero and if I wasnt 5 at the time and was there I probably would have helped. After witnessing this video I'm much more certain that i would help. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

intro. All ME

Intro to some of my life. Not gonna lie to u this is just somee. My name is Jason I'm pretty sure its on the blog somewhere but u dont hafta look for it. My hobbies include many different activities on a computer. I like playing  games on the computer and watching animes like Beezelbub, Toriko, Naruto, Bleach, One piece, and many others when i read manga i read basically the same thing except its paced much more quicker and doesnt Waste alot of time explaining. Which i like by the way. If im not home doing these things then im usually out with friends, either they drag me into playing or we just sit around drink stuff and play cards. And wasting time ,or more like waiting for time to pass cause sometimes... during summer its like it lasts forever and u have nothing to do but sleep. Well even if its boring i thinnk i might prefer it more than now having school and everything so much homework so stressful. Jeez so if u noticed homework is definately not on my one of my hobbies it goes probably no where near here. Because man kinds greatest friend is here, Procrastination weew. Any ways uhm Im not exactly a big fan of sports but i will play and i do learn fairly quick. I like tennis and swimming its fun mhm. I recently started dragon boating with one of my friends its alot more fun than u would expect. Its a very nice work out at the end of each practice also. Now onto the next subject the wonderous adventures of Jason. Since the 5th grade I've had some pretty amazing adventures like navigating my way while being lost in a pretty giant cosco to hiking through the hills with my buddies trying to not get lost. Cause u know if ur out in the wilderness and u get lost your basically screwed. Ive had many adventures through my life time like just exploring routes of uncertain places to field trips that were incredibly fun. Over the summer a few years back me and some friends were bored so we basically decided to walk to bayfarm though grass and dirt and bridge it ended up being pretty fun also giving me some very fun memories. Though my favorite would be going on this 8th grade camping trip it brewed alot of memories thus brining my favorite adventure hiking with my friend nick LOL i remember once while hiking there was this slope and nick decides to run down it and ended up crashing into bushes good thing it wasnt extreme or else we would of been in some serious **** well that was my best adventure cause at the end when we hiked up we got to breathe the fresh air and look at the scenery from a high elevation. Did i mention there was like a SUPER small water fall or creek thing and it just felt really nice having the privilege of seeing something beautiful after your hard work.
     Then theres my writing goals really i have nothing i really want to work on besides writing with the ability to focus into one subject as you can tell i tend to float off into different directions. Any how besides that i would like to write more fluently and make it less choppy. I want it to be like im telling a story directly. Writing fluently and like with more ease cause sometimes when im writing it feels stressful cause you want to write but dont know how to or plainly dont want to write. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[FREE]Ranting about the dark side of the moon...

SO... this is the first quick write for .. Sutherland's English class so i decided to make the title catchy. Too bad I'm not really gonna rant about the dark side of the moon. Well there isn't really anything to rant about unless you cant inform me other wise cause i really don't know. WELL i was ranting on to my sister and my friends about how i had 0 period Spanish 3 and i was like WOW its so cold in the morning and was complaining about how i hafta wake up at 6 to get yelled at by my Spanish teacher.. But it turns out its not all that bad .. at least just yet.. 
Any ways.. wow.. 250 words didn't seem as much when i was thinking about it, but when typing it feels like forever i guess Sutherland is trying to train is to write with more ease.Frankly i don't think its helping or more correctly don't Feel it seeping in the feeling of writing. So totally should go play some robot unicorn.. too bad i don't have time at the moment.. doing so hp pre cal hw while writing cause obviously i cant think straight if its just writing wouldn't work at all. BLAG 200 and something words and i cant think of something to write. Ill just write about not having anything to write about. Mr. Sutherland should be kool with that right? Mr. Sutherland. so as i was saying I have a pretty strong feeling that the school year is gonna be pretty epic with funny teachers and all. i was thinking it would have been a bad thing because i have all my hard classes in the morning but it turns out its pretty decent. Chilling in the afternoon after lunch. Well that's All for now.