Friday, September 9, 2011

[ce]A change of life

So, Well on this day of 9/11 i had planned not of talking about 9/11 since I thought it would bring memories to those that experienced, witnessed, or was effected by it. But while I was trying to find a video it came to me that they all had something to do with 9/11. This Actor that used to dress up as a toy soldier ended up with a career change after rescuing, and helping those in need at the site of rubble. First of all id like to say, man such integrity I might have thought about it and might have felt it but I doubt i would have jumped in and try to help. But if there was someone in there that I cared for I would probably dig till my hands bled and I don't think I would have cared. Now while i was watching this video i noticed that it has some dislikes. I douubt anyone who disliked it will read this but i personally dont think they should be hating. Those comments like "think about all those who died in Afghanistan and think about them and what not. I believe those who chose to fight knew that they might have not come back i dont want to be offending or rude but the people who died in that building had no choice. Its not like they knew before time that they were gonna die I mean heck why would anyone want to die. Unless your suicidal in which I hope your not.Now back to the video i think its really powerful that u see a man with the integrity to go and help trying to carry the burden of those who's job where to save. Now to change career paths from actor to firefighter it must have moved him much the feeling of helping and saving. Mabye if I was in something like that then my thoughts of helping would change my actions to that of a hero and if I wasnt 5 at the time and was there I probably would have helped. After witnessing this video I'm much more certain that i would help. 

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