Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC] The Darkness

   You haven't eaten for day. You dream about food and the sensation of hunger hits you in the face. You drool and the beads of saliva slide down the side of your mouth. Suddenly you wake up and feel the hunger like you do after a long 4 hour nap. Your legs feel wobbly and you feel like you will collapse with out food. The hunger digs through your body, slowly, but the more slow the more torturing. It feels like you are about to starve to death. You then finally notice that its all dark, but the only thing you have on your mind is fooood. You try to sniff it out, then remember that you left that sandwich in the kitchen, the sandwich makes you hungrier, you drool some more. In your mind the sandwich is worth more than gold, well only at the moment, its shining, telling you to eat it.
   You get up and start walking, crashing into multiple objects and scratching your arm and legs in multiple areas, as you make way towards the kitchen. The areas feel numb and warm with blood trickling down. It feels like torture, you trip on a telephone wire, and remembered that you tried reminding yourself to fix that. You run into the door and the knob jabs you in the stomach. You slide down the door as the pain socks you in the head
it was tantalizing you, it wasn't enough that you were just hungry it wanted you to suffer. Your head was throbbing sweat and blood mixed together stinging the areas of where you were scratched. Your head is gonging from the inside and you see multiple images of everything.
  You see four door knobs and as you reach for the first, you miss and notice that it was a hallucination, you try your luck with the rest of them and discover that the third one works. When you touch it the cool knob sends chills down your back, ceasing the stinging of the cuts and scratches. Oh, the joy you feel and you open the door the aroma of the sandwich BURSTS out the door the aura of savoriness glows even though its clear the aura glows! You the sniff the sandwiches location out and head towards it.
  Your now dragging your feet which are too heavy to be lifted up to walk. But by dragging your feet you cause the most heinous injury possibly to occur from this story. You drag your feet and trip on the leg of the chair, while doing so you stub your toe and your big toe's nail falls off. You swear in the dark BUT while you swear you're still falling the good thing and bad thing being you land your fall by hitting your head on the back of the chair causing you to bleed. The warm blood trickles down your sweat covered forehead and slides down your eyes then to the side of your nose and touches your dry and chapped lips. Your whole body is numb the only thing you feel is the heat going to your head as the blood leaks out. You use the chair to support your wait as you can no longer stand using your own strength you know the food is near as the smell is increasingly strong you let go of the chair and your hand reaches out at the same time you fall. You think that you can reach the sandwich but in reality you slide you hand at a knife a very sharp knife and it slices your hand. You feel the warmth in the blood and feel like your last efforts were ruined. You fall onto the cold floor as you fall the shake causes the sandwich to land on your face. Too bad you cant move your hands as you are completely depleted of energy. You thing to yourself right before you faint," I shouldn't have skipped dinner that night to watch the new episode of Glee"

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