Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[Free] The race

     Uhm so Last sunday well 2 days ago, september 18 to be exact. I woke up at 6 to get ready for our race. Ate and started walking to our designated meeting spot outside the main building of our school. Since though I didnt have my phone I waited with nothing to do for 10 minutes unitl Brian got there. Then we waited till our "ride" that  got there at 7. I was waiting at 6:30. So I wasnt angry or anything though it was too early for that. So we got in the car and rode to treasure island in SF. Just to let you know, we didnt do all that well compared to the other teams we were actually pretty puny, But in the end we got to division C which is pretty awsome.
     Our first race got changed into a 300 meter instead of a 500 we werent sure if it was a good or bad thing, it was suppost to be good but in the end we still got 5th place our of 6 places. I wasnt discouraged yet since the day was still new so i encouraged myself saying: " wheeew good job not last". SO yup we waited for our next race around an hour later and then during the race where told  that if was changed back to 500 meters. We where like nooo but then we got third after all pretty good its cause we got a replacement person and we paddled like no tomorow. So yea we got our hopes up found out that we were in division C which is pretty good for us but we lost our final race. As in we got 6th. But yea we got over it pretty quickly. *we believe there was someone not trying, not gonna, say who but he definately dragged us down and shouldnt have been there*. The most important thing is that we had fun and spent time with our friends raced with all we had and ... most importantly had fun. O i already said have fun BUT its important so who cares if i say it twice.

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