Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[Essay] Why Are WE Human

      One of the most commonly asked questions in the world of philosophy: why are we Human? What makes us Humans? There are many aspects that make humans human. But the main point I'd like to point out would be the power to change and evolve. Think back to the time you were little, where u didn't spend hours playing games What did u do? You cried for your parents for attention and care. Not knowing anything  but trusting everything. Your sole objective then was to stay alive the knowledge that humans are inputted with since the beginning of birth the input to survive. All humans and or species of humans are inputted with that knowledge but that input now differs as our goals differ through evolution.         
   Fossils have been discovered for the early "homos" around 1.6-2.2 million years ago. You could say they are a different species of humans. But since then they have made tools to use and discovered many things, and since then they continuing to evolve in their ability to think and comprehend. The shape of their body evolved from strong and bulk to a lean more intelligent form that relies on tools. But that isn't exactly a good thing seeing as how it changed us today. Relying on our technology lessened our physical exercise and lowering our ability to remember.
      What makes us human is our ability to grow and change, how technology advances, how other creatures as in animals and plants take decades to evolve the slightest bit when humans are able to comprehend the issues and change fairly quickly. How the human mind works or thinks I have no ability to tell you. But I know that we've changed from a creature who's purpose was solely to reproduce and survive to one who's now more fitted to personal pleasures. For example when there was no technology around, think Adam and Eve, they had no choice but to try surviving not having free time they had to find food, build shelter and and reproduce. But look at the luxury we have : television, computers, books, games. We have them all well not all but almost anything we need to keep entertained.
      Then also after humans discovered the necessity to luxury they begin to change. And by change not only them but their surroundings taking up resources and many many many different things. Since early times this has been shown through the discovery of using different animal hides to create expensive clothing to over killing a population and that is one evolution a human has made people with a simple persona amazed by the simplest things to a very deep and complex persona overdrawn by greed and jealousy, desire. For example how humans hunted down bison for pelts with out even eating the meat. And due to that they almost made the bison population go extinct. Also How in modern times speaking as our decade many of our grasslands and being cut down and changed into big fields of grass for cow grazing. Also turning many rain forest in to prairies not giving a care about the species of many different animals living there.
      But in also good ways can human change, the art that was created the technology that was discovered or invented none of them would have been here without change. I mean with out change we wouldn't be at where we are but sometimes the refusal of change could mean a lot of things like the down fall or the actual fall of a civilization the negativity towards change is not always good. For with out change there can be no moving forward. And with out evolution there is no change. Humans are ha fast paced species addicted to new things We as humans what it all even if we're tired of it we still want it all. New things old things the uninvented things. Humans seem to have the urge to make boring things un-boring because old things always seem out dated for us. And a fine example would be how only a few years ago we had mobile cell phones that were equivalent to talking blocks or walkie-talkies. 
      What makes us different from other species is that you don't see them evolving and expanding with our rate. If they did i believe we would be in some serious ****. As Instead of them in zoos it would be us but fortunately and gratefully Other species and animals aren't like us. Why do we expand with our speed I don't know but it must be that we've changed over time to adapt to our situation. As we or as science says where once just apes. As like cavemen and the other people before us. We learn to evolve at an incredible rate and other animals don't seem to care as I pointed out they don't have much time for that. They aren't intelligent enough for that but that doesn't mean they aren't intelligent as they are plenty smart. They just don't have the time or opposable thumbs.
      I also believe that what makes us humans can change in the future as other things that we output things that we cause take a more serious or dramatic turn. Maybe in many many years of time. Apes will be like us and we will be transformed to something with out much physical ability but with a giant brain. May that stay at minimal risk. But the change of humans is universal our crisis right now will have to depend on how things even out and how economical situations and other issues are solved. And yes things like change and evolution was the cause of our crisis. The nature to the human: To fight has lead us into wars and many great down falls. Down falls of many human civilizations before us the will to lead and the will to rule. 
       And now i conclude that without evolution humanity wouldn't exist. We shouldn't be humans we technically would have the body composition of a ape. We shouldn't have tools we'd be with out technology, not living in a heated home but in a jungle probably we would fight over domination like apes do. So without change we wouldn't be here whether its good or bad. But at least we're here so at the time being change makes this work and without evolution there would be no change leaving us with no humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read it but I cant read your font easily at all 6_9...
