Friday, October 7, 2011

[free]The obstacle.

   So... Not in the best mood right now actually pretty pissed off at my ****ty Internet service why? cause in almost every other site that requires a good connection, it disconnects. To put it simply right now.. A school computer is better than mine. Pretty bad huh. I'm actually struggling with even typing this quick paragraph trying to finish as fast as i can. How do i over come this obstacle? I tried calling com cast and yelling at them but apparently they didn't fix it. I hope this gets better or my long waited week end will be worse than a week at school. for example if I'm trying to watch something on YouTube it would freeze or stop loading every 5 seconds and when it 5 seconds of it not being frozen is buffering it loads SOOOO slow its unbelievable? At this point i regret switching from at&t actually it might just be my houses issue. But however the cause this never happened when i had at&t so. Mhm. Pretty disappointed right now.
  I feel kinda bad just talking about Com Cast though but seriously its like they have issues every time it rains. It isn't the first time this has happened and the last time took them around a week to fix which sucks. I like how this disproves their ads about being so fast and so good. The television shows under com cast aren't the best either i personally would prefer direct TV much more shows. Not telling you guys not to buy services from com cast I'm just saying WHY ME ? That this is happening. Why did my sister want to switch to com cast instead of at&t plus direct TV is a mystery i will never understand. I complain. like a little complainer. bye.

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