Friday, October 7, 2011

[ce] People in Thailand not happy.

Thai land hit by monsoooooon the flooding seen in that video has been going on for 2 months appearently. That flooding o boy. People of Thai land are probably used to it by not but damn I know i always refer to this but, Imagine if that was us being hit by that water. Since we don't exactly have very high elevations to escape to in Alameda. Well you get the point sometimes I feel that our lives suck but, compared to their situation and many others world wide. Its actually a lot better. I'm just getting worried at how many crisis have been happening recently monsoons, typhoons, many many other things. Very scary I think living in such a place with a pretty predictable weathering is rather nice. Too nice actually its been spoiling people I think. Just a few days ago when it was raining you could hear all the complaining. Yup we are totally spoiled with good weather we have nice afternoons with a big bright sun while other people have floods, and droughts. Exadurated heating from a raging sun. Many of other places don't get to have leasure like us. Pretty fortunate huh so I think we should think positive even if its raining we should stop complaining. And we should live life like no tomorrow cause who knows when disaster will come it can come at the middle of the night when your sleeping. and you wouldn't know u might not survive it. DON'T think i'm cursing you i'm just trying to be realistic and say anything could happen. 

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