Friday, October 14, 2011

[Ce] Whats that falling from the sky?

 Sigh, i think I'm starting to get air plane phobia.

Twenty-eight people were killed and four people survived a plane crash in stormy weather in Papua New Guinea's remote forests, according to officials.
Maybe this is why they delay plane flights but, are airplanes now limited to only weathers that are good?. Well then wouldn't half the days in the year be unavailable to flights?. Was it just stormy weather or was it a malfunction or faulty driving. Now not to ponder about the past but to move to the future as whats done is done. Or whats happened has happened. I very much admire those that went immediately to aide those inside the plane as without those aiding the measly amount of survivors [4] Would maybe be a 1 or 2.  Really though because of harsh winds and rains an airplane crashed  I mean the people inside where probably sleeping or resting or maybe watching some movies on that plane then BOOM it starts tumbling down. Maybe if the airplane wasn't a small private one somethings might have changed. I question why that happened, many people losing their lives in vain. Of no good reason. And due to further investigation it appears that the other types of airplanes that where of the same model has been grounded. Meaning the only reason that they crashed would have been because that the airplane was faulty as the last line of that link or news report says the designated pilot had 45 years of flying experience. A crash like that doesn't just happen when theres a storm. IF it did i don't think id ever ride a plane again. And til this day i bet those people that died didn't even know what hit them. Lesson to be made don't ride unsafe brands of plane.

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