Friday, October 7, 2011

[re] Japan getting destroyed

From Gendarme  
That’s another disaster in Japan again! How can so many attacks come into Japan, did they do something wrong? 
 I too believe that Japan doesn't deserve this even if they kill whales and don't moderate their nuclear power plants and pollute the water with the power plants blowing up. It was totally out of their control that so many things happened but is it Karma? Maybe mother nature dislikes Japan for killing off her whales. I'm not sure what the situation is but luckily not many people died? Yes luckily the manga and anime creator/ director/ writers didn't get injured cause a week with out them is a week with out a new exciting episode or chapter. Which would be sad. It would also be sad if one of their stories or shows ended due to anonymous reasons and didn't finish cause some of them really need a good ending that i don't think anyone else can write better besides themselves.
  But yes disaster seems to befall them more than any other place at the moment and its really unfortunate. Good thing for us though that it isn't happening to us but recently there has been some minor earth quakes. Nothing to worry about but, yeah i wouldn't want to be the person stuck in a typhoon or hit by big earthquakes and floods and storms and tsunamis. Hey where also at water level lets hope nothing happens too soon. Yup we wouldn't want to be that country that most people are pitying. Like over years Americas always been the country to help others especially programs and groups like Unicef and red cross. And since we can we help but if we couldn't... I wouldn't imagine there would be a knight in shining armor to rescue or save us.

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