Friday, September 9, 2011

[re]Response to Brian : Agreed

This is from Brian's blog : Excitement
  I am also excited for the dragon boat race that is coming up next Sunday!It’s going to be my first race ever and I hope it goes well
Anyways I feel the same way. I'm actually really nervous but at the same time super excited. I wanna go there and give it my all. Then hopefully i wouldn't walk home with out bragging rights. When your mom asks you if you won or not it feels embarrassing to say no even if she is your mom. Well we will walk away as winners cause we tried our best been to almost all the practices. Thats how its suppost to feel right? Leaving winners even though you lose? NOT saying we will lose though. any ways ... I'm out of things to say what a fail on a response post. O wells gonna change this subject even though its a response post! Hows your basketball practice btw and whens your first game?O i wanna go watch. O right you were talking about the overload of homework, i guess i do also but u definately have more homework than me. Only because of Ap Euro though. O, and the leo club thing i was there too. *high five* And also YESH! break i totally agree with you a break is necessary. This school year seems so much tiring than the last. O i just noticed the part where you said basketball ends at 10, thats gotta be tiring after school and all that stuff also well if you have fun then i guess its worth it. WEW finished. Not quite if i dont count the words from the quote then i dont have enough words. BUT now officially Im done was fun more difficult than fun, but still fun.

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