Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[re] That's cool.

This is from Raymond's blog :  Is there something wrong with your eyes? 
 Did you know that human eye can distinguish 10 million colors? And did you know that when you are a kid your eyeballs grow? Your eyes are fully grown by the time you are 13, and once past that it will stop. Because that everyone’s eyes stop growing at the age of 13, all adults’ eyes are about the same size maybe just 1 or 2 millimeters different.
 Nice, to simply answer your questions No, No, and WOW. I had a jist of what was happening with my eyes not getting bigger if thats a good or bad thing cause i mean Asian sterio-type that we have small eyes THINK WHAT YOU WANT. Small eyes arent always bad for example if someone wants to poke it O_O bigger poking target. and ways Wow i wonder what you do in your free time to search something up like that. And wow i didnt even know there where 10 million colors in the world sure there are many different varieties of colors but DEEM 10 million. also i have to add that that 1 or 2 millimeters in difference can make some one blind or give them super eye sight. I want super eye sight not gonna happen though, well at least i have the privilege of not needing to wear glasses. And no wonder sometimes you want or try to find something and just cant find it. i wonder why the human brain does that. Well thats cool now i know why i like completely miss things when their right in front of my face. I also wonder that if you where in a moving object going around in circles for say could your brain think would kill time and make it be like its time distorted and WELL basically moving time ahead for about a few minutes or slowing it down for a few minutes? Well i wouldnt want to try that out cause well i get dizzy and stuff comes out my mouth that isnt.. exactly nice looking or sounding.

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