Saturday, September 24, 2011

[ce] The falling Stocks.

DAMN. The stock drops you can imagine whats happening to our economy.  Link : US stocks rebound slightly after brutal week 
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 38 points, or 0.4 per cent. The Dow fell 6.4 percent for the week, its biggest drop since October 2008. The S&P 500 index rose 0.6 per cent, to 1,136. The NASDAQ rose 1.1 per cent. 
 Not that i pay attention, read, or buy stocks but this is the economy we live in. Stocks world wide dropping. Any where from .4% to 6% that's a lot of points or what ever they call the term. But i think that's the amount of money,? That they have. 
So yea its good that their getting some back Not as much as their fall to rebound with but their still getting some back. Initially they aren't making but losing. I actually thought that America was the only one with the giant dept and economy drops that can be compared to a falling airplane. But as we see now they are regaining slight points raising their % a bit with their uhm, Value i think is the right word here. As one quote in the article says we are definitely in a world wide crisis with the dept due from Japan but not to saying anything bad but they really should have checked and fixed the Montanans of those power plants. The "Imbalances" in America, - I don't even know what that means. And Europe's sovereign dept. But yea, I like how Americans like helping others and all but we should really be worrying about ourselves, but they didn't see this coming when they donated money to world wide crisis. WE'RE IN ONE NOW. I'm not saying that we're in one because we donated and helped others but as I said we really should be worrying about ourselves. At least the stocks are getting a small raise.

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