Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[ce] Revenge?

Damn. Well I couldn't get a video this time cause its blocked but I still found this pretty interesting. Revenge brings very bad things apparently, I personally think its a little overboard though. So I just read more carefully and apparently the Taliban are rebels? and the people that were shot were apart of the Tribesman's family that got government support to resist the Talibans. This all isn't very clear to me but I think that the fault is to be put on the Taliban not only for the killing but also for being rebels. I don't think they thought very clearly or logically because obviously when your forcing someone to do something that's not good. And when your rebelling against government cant you do it in a more calmly fashion, like protesting with words or strikes? Well on the thing it says "Fighters" so I'm assuming they were doing some sort of attacking. I still think its going overboard attacking the family actually more than dealing with the tribesman them self. I wasn't put in the situation so I shouldn't have anything to say, but DAMN MESSED UP. That's a "girly" thing to do. Dealing with the "enemy's" family instead of the enemy instead.
"This was to teach them a lesson, and we will continue to carry out attacks wherever and whenever possible, no matter if it is a school or a school bus,'' Mohammad Afridi, a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the Dara
Adam Khel region, was quoted by AP as saying.
MESSED UP. NOT RIGHT. VERY NOT RIGHT. Man trust a really bad grooup of rebels with no integrety what so ever to think of something like that to say. Is he suppost to be scaring someone cause im scared already. STOP THE KILLING. And OVER.

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