Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[FREE]Ranting about the dark side of the moon...

SO... this is the first quick write for .. Sutherland's English class so i decided to make the title catchy. Too bad I'm not really gonna rant about the dark side of the moon. Well there isn't really anything to rant about unless you cant inform me other wise cause i really don't know. WELL i was ranting on to my sister and my friends about how i had 0 period Spanish 3 and i was like WOW its so cold in the morning and was complaining about how i hafta wake up at 6 to get yelled at by my Spanish teacher.. But it turns out its not all that bad .. at least just yet.. 
Any ways.. wow.. 250 words didn't seem as much when i was thinking about it, but when typing it feels like forever i guess Sutherland is trying to train is to write with more ease.Frankly i don't think its helping or more correctly don't Feel it seeping in the feeling of writing. So totally should go play some robot unicorn.. too bad i don't have time at the moment.. doing so hp pre cal hw while writing cause obviously i cant think straight if its just writing wouldn't work at all. BLAG 200 and something words and i cant think of something to write. Ill just write about not having anything to write about. Mr. Sutherland should be kool with that right? Mr. Sutherland. so as i was saying I have a pretty strong feeling that the school year is gonna be pretty epic with funny teachers and all. i was thinking it would have been a bad thing because i have all my hard classes in the morning but it turns out its pretty decent. Chilling in the afternoon after lunch. Well that's All for now.

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