Wednesday, September 7, 2011

intro. All ME

Intro to some of my life. Not gonna lie to u this is just somee. My name is Jason I'm pretty sure its on the blog somewhere but u dont hafta look for it. My hobbies include many different activities on a computer. I like playing  games on the computer and watching animes like Beezelbub, Toriko, Naruto, Bleach, One piece, and many others when i read manga i read basically the same thing except its paced much more quicker and doesnt Waste alot of time explaining. Which i like by the way. If im not home doing these things then im usually out with friends, either they drag me into playing or we just sit around drink stuff and play cards. And wasting time ,or more like waiting for time to pass cause sometimes... during summer its like it lasts forever and u have nothing to do but sleep. Well even if its boring i thinnk i might prefer it more than now having school and everything so much homework so stressful. Jeez so if u noticed homework is definately not on my one of my hobbies it goes probably no where near here. Because man kinds greatest friend is here, Procrastination weew. Any ways uhm Im not exactly a big fan of sports but i will play and i do learn fairly quick. I like tennis and swimming its fun mhm. I recently started dragon boating with one of my friends its alot more fun than u would expect. Its a very nice work out at the end of each practice also. Now onto the next subject the wonderous adventures of Jason. Since the 5th grade I've had some pretty amazing adventures like navigating my way while being lost in a pretty giant cosco to hiking through the hills with my buddies trying to not get lost. Cause u know if ur out in the wilderness and u get lost your basically screwed. Ive had many adventures through my life time like just exploring routes of uncertain places to field trips that were incredibly fun. Over the summer a few years back me and some friends were bored so we basically decided to walk to bayfarm though grass and dirt and bridge it ended up being pretty fun also giving me some very fun memories. Though my favorite would be going on this 8th grade camping trip it brewed alot of memories thus brining my favorite adventure hiking with my friend nick LOL i remember once while hiking there was this slope and nick decides to run down it and ended up crashing into bushes good thing it wasnt extreme or else we would of been in some serious **** well that was my best adventure cause at the end when we hiked up we got to breathe the fresh air and look at the scenery from a high elevation. Did i mention there was like a SUPER small water fall or creek thing and it just felt really nice having the privilege of seeing something beautiful after your hard work.
     Then theres my writing goals really i have nothing i really want to work on besides writing with the ability to focus into one subject as you can tell i tend to float off into different directions. Any how besides that i would like to write more fluently and make it less choppy. I want it to be like im telling a story directly. Writing fluently and like with more ease cause sometimes when im writing it feels stressful cause you want to write but dont know how to or plainly dont want to write. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. What a FUN intro jason! LOL. I'm going to response to 1 of your lines about your adventures.
